MapleStory : Masquerade Brings Halloween Shivers

Mesos4u Date: Apr/10/17 15:34:08 Views: 1318

MapleStory players have a lot of fun Halloween activities to participate in with the arrival of the Masquerade update. According to the dev team, Masquerade brings a haunted house and slathering zombies into the game.

Maplers interested in zombies can now jump into MapleStory and participate in various quests to learn about zombies, avoid becoming one, and even mow them down with a special truck. To learn more about zombies occupying Maple World, curious players can help Jonas collect zombie cell samples for research purposes.Maple Story mesos. Maid, on the other hand, needs help to find a vaccination to zombie bites. In the Brain Painting quest, players will help the Masked Gentleman eliminate zombies infesting his basement with the new Decapitruck, a truck that allows characters to mow down multiple zombies at once.