MapleStory:[Updated] v.143 Patchers and Installers

Mesos4u Date: Apr/10/17 15:25:22 Views: 1059
If you started downloading the Manual Patcher before 11:00 PM Pacific on 12/4 and you ran it, that patcher has an error in it. Please download the v.143.2 .exe here, unzip the file, and overwrite the MapleStory.exe file currently in your MapleStory client folder. If you have v.142 installed and have not used the manual patcher but want to, you can download the fixed Manual Patcher here. If you prefer to auto patch, you can launch your MapleStory client while the game is live. The direct download for the v143 full client installer is also available. cheap maplestory mesos. Please click to download the four files listed below. You must save these files to the same folder. Then simply run the MSSetupv143.exe file to install MapleStory normally. MSSetupv143.exe MSSetupv143.z01 MSSetupv143.z02 MSSetupv143.z03 If you encounter any problems, please let us know in our Technical Support forums.